Home CT44 CT48 CT52 CT54 CT55 CT60 CT68 Sheet Unit Block Frame Lamella Calculation Frame Calculation

Model     !A55     !A60     ! R     ! P     ! A     ! Lb     ! wPvc ! wPp     !
CT5514.54 m²/m³ 11.91 m²/m³1.53 cm216 mm3300 mm² 55 mm +Th 68 kg/m³ 48 kg/m³

CT55 Series Tube settler & Lamella

CT series lamella which is made of PVC or PP is used to obtain clear water and wastewater in the clarifier basins.
It is smooth, flexible and strong. The sediment which is accumulated in the honeycomb cell falls on the ground on its own. Therefore, it does not need further cleaning.
While efficiency is increased in the pools where Lamellas are used, structural pool volume, chemical, and energy consumption decrease. It's assembling and maintinance are simple and easy.
Because of all the mentioned features, the lamella system takes place among the best-known solution at the moment.

General information; Lamella width (W): Standard production is 1080 mm and width can vary by multiples of 120 mm. So the finished widths can be 840, 960, 1080, 1200, 1320, 1440, mm (±20 mm tolerance).
In case a lesser width is desired, it can be obtained by cutting the 1080 mm lamella and greater widths can be obtained by adding the desired pieces.
Lamella length (LA): It can be made in every size. In projects H: It is given as vertical height.
Usually, the vertical (H) height is between 1000-1200 mm.
Lamella Slope (SA): It ranges between 55 to 60 degrees. In most cases, 60 degrees is recommended.
Standard thickness (Th): The standard thickness for PVC is 1 mm while for PP it is 0.8 mm. Desired thickness can be produced upon request.
Standard color : For PVC, Black color is produced. For PP, its translucent white. Other desired colors can be produced upon request.
Operating temperature : 50 degrees for PVC. 60 degrees for translucent PP.

Application Types


Unit (single) consists of 2 sheets of the lamella.
Lamella dimensions: It can be made of any size.
Width of the lamella W: 1080 mm is preferred since it is a single piece without joint but the width can be increased or decreases by multiples of 120 mm.


Block lamella consists of 2-10 UNIT Lamellas.
All of the unit lamellas are welded to each other. Recommended block volume ranges approximately between 0.3 to 0.5 meter cube. Block weight ranges between 30-40 kg.
Width of the lamella W: 1080 mm is preferred since it is a single piece without joint but the width can be increased or decreases to multiples of 120 mm. L: It is suitable to be between 30-40 cm. H: It can be made according to the project (Usually its between 100-120 cm).


Framed lamella, 15-20 pieces of single (UNIT) lamella are arranged in a stainless steel frame.
Frame + Lamella = Set lamella. Recommended Frame Dimensions: Is's volume ranges between 0.7-2 m3.
Width of the lamella W: 1090 mm is preferred since it is a single piece without joint but the width can be increased or decreases to multiples of 120 mm.L: It is made according to the project between 70-150 cm. H: 100-120 cm can be made to the project.

We can be the solution; Please feel free to request technical support on Lamella related issues.
As its our full time job to make the lamella system, we will definitely answer all the questions which are in your mind and we will suggest you a better solution. Request information

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